Wednesday, August 06, 2008

This Poison

This is another John Peel Session request from the new forum just started by the excellent Perfumed Garden blog, which you can join here

This Poison released a couple of singles on The Wedding Present's Reception label, before disappearing again, only to resurface as a distant memory 17 years later when Egg Records released an excellent anthology of their studio output. There isn't a lot more to say that isn't already said on the Egg Records biog page for the band and I thoroughly recommend you buy a copy of the CD. Cos it's ACE.

The Peel Session doesn't feature on the CD and I remember taping it off the radio a month after George Best came out, purely because "the Wedding Present release their records so they must be good". I wasn't wrong.

This Poison! Peel Session November 1987

Friday, August 01, 2008

Billy Bragg At The BBC

Seeing Billy Bragg play "Between The Wars" on Top Of The Pops was a bit of a life-changing moment for me, and I've been a fan ever since - none more so than during his Worker's Playtime era (which I still consider to be his best/my favourite LP). I recently saw him play a solo gig in Lincoln and it reminded me how awe-inspiring he can be.

There is a great (although now quite rare) CD on Strange Fruit of Billy Bragg's John Peel Sessions recorded through the years, but I found a couple of tapes of non-Peel BBC sessions/interviews from the aforesaid era, which I now offer up to all fellow fans who may not have heard them before. VOILA

November 1988 Nicky Campbell Live Session (FM off-air recording)
1. She's Got A New Spell
2. The Short Answer
3. Ideology
Plus 10 minute interview

Sometime in 1987 Janice Long Session (AM off-air recording)
1. The Only One
plus 5 minute interview

As a special bonus - I've also included the BBC Radio Derby interview done in the queue for the toilets at the 1993 Phoenix Festival. This interview is the one referred to by Billy on-stage later that day, and captured for posterity on the Red Stars Official Bootleg available from the shop. I don't suppose many people heard the actual interview so here it is..