Friday, August 13, 2010

Eddie Holman

Following on from a previous post about Bobby Womack's "Just A Little Bit Salty", this one can go in the pile labelled Daft Soul Songs

I'd not heard this song in 20 years (which in itself is a bit frightening) but it was discovered in my then-girlfriend's parent's record collection. I don't even know why we ended up playing the album as I'm pretty sure neither of us knew who Eddie Holman was (apparently he had a minor hit with a song called "Hey There Lonely Girl") so maybe it was the, frankly ludicrous, front cover showing Eddie in his mac and fedora leaning on a lampost like the king of suave. We were probably just bored.

Eddie's voice was certainly an acquired taste and by far the most impressive track was "Immune To Love"
The first thing that got us was the quality of the lyrics. More Gedge than Gaye or Green

Withdrew the money from our joint bank account
Took the car!
Didn't care if I ate or starved
If that's what love's about...

And then by far the best bit - the howling flatness of the note he (nearly) hits as he concludes:

...Count me ouuuuuut!


Eddie is still singing and available for functions apparently & is also an ordained Baptist Minister

Eddie Holman - Immune To Love

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